I asked Cynthia about this upcoming Super Moon:
"All around the world, there are signs and wonders. Crop Circles, are an earthly wonder of a signature cosmic origin, astrological events, unexplained sounds coming from mother earth, uncovered ancient text, and more rampant sightings of the ships. I even saw these signs as wonders and felt that our E.T.'s were giving these symbols as indication of their presence, but I know now, these signs and wonders are hints, dialogs, pictures that belong to a much bigger painting to the cosmic adventure that awaits us if you just look and listen, with your hearts wide open for the messages that constitute a new dimensional beginning. "I say a new beginning because there are a lot of seekers, who really want to tap into the unknown. The seekers are people like I was, really looking at to what the signs were referring to, and I was always asking my star family what was to be made of this or that occurrence that was happening. Now, I am at a better vantage point and although I am not privy to all that is occurring, I do know there is rhyme and reason for all that is happening. "It is said that if you look for signs, you will find them. More signs are to come, so just by asking, you are allowing the cloak of invisibility to rise from you to be free to see, follow, and comprehend to help mankind."
I asked Cynthia today what she wanted to talk about. I thought, E.T.'s, UFO's, or even disclosure, but she answered, with a simple word - trust.
"Trust isn't as easy as you think, dear ones. To trust in the universe, the Divine, Spirit, your angels, spirit guides, and all those who have passed, is one of the hardest things, you, as humans, can accomplish. "I trusted heavily on my knowledge and knowing that my star family was real and I was going to be on the ship as soon as I left my body. And . . . I WAS! I never for once doubted the sacredness of the bond between myself and my star brothers and sisters, and that I would be escorted to be a part of the Ashtar Command and to help human kind. "But I also know that there is no such thing as losing your faith and trust. Many people, upon their death beds, allow the fear of the unknown to question their beliefs, and sometimes, retract the well-ingrained doctrines. I am not referring to religious beliefs, but to any thing that kept the spirit of hope as a moving force for day-to-day living. There is another life after death, and I speak from the experience of life on the ship. I trusted, I never faltered, but even those who may find themselves at the mortality cross-roads, they, too get their turn to see what their spirit knows to be truth from the beginning of their existence. "I'm telling you all this because what I will reveal in more of these posts may take some trust to even entertain the ideas and concepts. "I trust and know this is just one of the avenues that will help many. So I will bring more knowing this is a wonderful opening to these other people and planes of existence." This is the beginning of an eye-opening blog that will reveal information regarding the galactic workings, going on's, and anything else my friend, Cynthia Crawford, who passed last year, wants to relay.
I decided to name the blog, The Cynthia Chronicles, to honor this great lady who was instrumental in helping with my awakening. Our meeting was no accident. I had lost my job and had moved to Laughlin, Nevada. It was in Laughlin that I met Cynthia; she was an exhibitor at the annual UFO Congress in this city. She informed me that this was the last time the Congress would be held in Laughlin - so I guess I was pretty "lucky" to have found my way to her booth. Cynthia's sweet smile drew me to her booth where I was intrigued by the many different E.T. sculptures she hand made. We struck up a conversation and almost immediately she acknowledged me as a long-lost companion on the "ship". I didn't run, but rather, drew in to her energy as we conversed about what we were supposed to do on this planet; our mission. I took one of her statues, a Nephilim child, home and was never the same again. Even though Cynthia's physical presence is not here, I converse with her. I go with her to the ship she is occupying, learning, and helping guard the galaxy. She comforts me when I feel badly that she is not here, and that I would dearly love to see her again. "Cassandra, you won't believe how perfect everything is - the timing, the people, your life, your mission, it's all perfect. If you knew how perfect everything is, you wouldn't be sad, and you wouldn't worry about how you are to reach out and help activate those people who need this." Okay, I won't worry. I don't believe I missed my opportunity, and I don't believe that I am connected to my angels, guides, and E.T.'s for no reason at all. My NDE happened about 30 years ago - I've been waiting ever since to see why I had to return. If there is a certain subject you would be interested in hearing about from Cynthia, please leave in the comments or use my contact link. |
AuthorCassandra Vanzant - Psychic E.T.Communicator/artist/author/speaker. Archives
August 2019
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