The month of August brings melancholy feelings for me. I was reminded on Facebook of Cynthia's birthday. I cried when I saw this birthday announcement, but heard Cynthia's sweet voice telling me it was okay, and to make the subject of this next blog about birthdays. So, as always, I'm going to allow her to take over and see what she has to say"
"Dear ones, the subject of birthdays can be happy, joyful, sad, re-mindful, and exciting. We want you to know and accept that a birthday does not necessarily mean the day of ones physical birth into the world, but also, is the spiritual birth of a soul traveling back to the dimension it originated from. My birthday now, is not in August, by which you all remember. But is on the day of my death, 9/26/17. I look upon this date as the time I returned to my origins in a spiritual way. I was "birthed" again when I left my human body, and jetted up to be in the bosom of my star family. I was welcomed there, just as I was here on this earth plane. Think of the excitement you will experience when you leave your earthly form to move freely back and forth in the universe. Star seeds will be happy, joyful, sad, re-mindful, and excited for you because they know this will be a time of wonderment and awe when you conduct your missions on a ship, within the Ashtar Command, as well as other commanders, knowing that you have come into your own and will be helping thousands on the earth plane for the coming changes. This is what the birthday means to me now; the prospect of working with all of you is so exciting! You have heard it before, there is no death. There is only birth and re-birth. Be happy for this continuation.
Okay, this ought to be good, I think to myself as I typed the title. But, as always, I'll let Cynthia continue.
"Hello, to all my friends and starseeds! It is always so nice to talk to you through this method, (the group collective). Those of you who are reading this were brought in by the title I choose, because you feel what those words describe. When I was on the earth, I received many, many, phone calls from those of you who felt alone because you knew that you were different and wanted someone who would relate to you so you wouldn't feel you were the only awakened, (and sometimes, confused), person. I also received phone calls from those of you who were so tired of waiting for disclosure or that you wanted to be "beamed" off of this earth plane to the mother ship to leave behind the burden the world had become. The reason for this message is because I'm seeing more and more of these negative emotions in a lot of you. I'm not going to tell you to "snap out of it", because I was sometimes, too, in the same frame of mind. I'm simply sharing this message because there should be a way for the lonely and the weary to connect and dissolve the negative aspects, so that before the "time" comes, you all can lift each other up, and focus on delivering an abundance of faith, hope, and love to each other. This really is a call-to-action. Who will accept the challenge and make a pact with each other to rise to a higher vibration while here? I'm working hard with the Federation to help in ALL of your assistance. There is a battle going on, but it is not so fierce that I won't take the time to help. I remember all of you and love you! "In all the times of the world, this is the most exceptional,"
Cynthia started this blog post off with a bang! I never know what she will talk about so when I put in the title, I thought that this would be an interesting report. I'll stop typing on my own and let her take over- "When I was on earth, I know I received information about events, and things that had not occurred. I'd ask my other enlightened friends, and of course, the starseeds, what they were getting and we would all compare. But now, I can see and also know all that my star people have collected and brought to me in order to relate to those who are following the "signs-of-the-times. There will be an arrival in the coming summer months. This will, however, not be on a massive scale that mankind has thought, for not all encounters are introduced in an in-your-face manner. You do not need to be on a particular "level" or path in order to be helped through this experience. Also, there is no need to be a leader or someone who is high-ranking in the UFO/ET community. For even the new beginner or believer will capture the sights of the light beings who will reveal themselves on this earth at this time. There are no "chosen" people, all that is needed is faith and a willingness to see and interact in the helpful and peaceful way the beings will show. These arrivals will become more and more frequent, but again, they will not overrun the meaning of an unwelcome visitor. This isn't an intrusion or invasion, but a peaceful co-mingling of entities. They will show some people future events, others they will give knowledge that will help mankind. But most of all, they assist in bringing love and kindness to your limitations here on earth." "In all the world there are advancements that are rapidly taking shape. We want you to know of these before the general population. As you all know, I've been working with the Federation helping to insure your safety first. The worlds outside of the earth are managing to keep themselves afloat and harmonized somewhat, but now, I was given the directive that soon will be the time on the earth-plane for changes to occur.
These are in accordance with the new technologies that will project images of what the powers that be, want to stimulate in your minds as threatening and or a savage-type of invasion. What the eye sees the mind interprets and this interpretation can range from believable to fantasy. I'm here to tell you that when these images begin to appear, do not look to them as this threat - but see past this and feel with your heart to intuit the reality. There is nothing we can do to stop this from occurring, as the earth and her inhabitants are at the mercy of their own deceit and controlling behavior. I'm telling you about this now, so in the summertime you will not be fearful for you will be prepared and can help those who are afraid to release that limitation and live in the light. Starseeds, I love you and come to you with joy in my heart that i can be of service during these times of false-flags." I asked Cynthia what she wanted to speak about this month. There were so many subjects that she wanted to go over, but when I typed out this title, I was surprised and happy about the subject. So, I'll stop now, and allow Cynthia to come through with this message:
"Many of you know that I have been working very hard at helping the Federation and the Ashtar Command to bring about the changes as well as getting the support of those entities who do not want there to be peace on the earth as well as the cosmos. There is still much to be accomplished, but there is a directive which holds me to share your role in this plan. The role of those who have had visitations and those of you who will begin to be visited, is to bring about a union to cooperate and set up a per-unique-individual personal growth and improvement and to create a headway of advancement in all things: communication, clarity, disclosure, support, and help with the collective subconscious' truths. For those who have been and will begin to have visitations, know that you may remember and collect information at different times and intervals to display and/or convey, the meanings and purposes. This is a very important time on earth and with the falling away of ego's, and people who no longer serve you, you are being freed-up to benefit from the visitations. To focus on the reality of this life on earth, is to know that it really is a "matrix" and to see the truth will be the greatest accomplishment and transformation you could achieve right now. I hope to see a great deal of you again, in the light of the progress of your new reality. Know that I"m looking in on you all. Say, "hello", and listen. You never know who will be visiting!" ;-) ![]() Cynthia shared something with me the other day. She called it the "grid system". I'm sure some of you have heard of a grid system when relating to the human body. Your body's foundational energy is based on a grid. I was reminded that I drew a picture years ago, called, All Connected. I had drawn 3 images, one of a human, an angel, and an E.T. The human figure had this grid depicted. As with all my channeled artwork, I really didn't know why I had included these lines at that time. But now, Cynthia talked of an showed me the cosmic grid tunnel. We were inside a long tube that was made up of white, horizontal/vertical, lines. We "walked" through this area; the lines were wide enough to not shut out the beautiful heavens with twinkling stars. She commented that the Universe was made up of these grids to help facilitate the traveler from one point of origin to another, "Just like your body does," she added. The only difference is there are no tears in this tunnel. "Your body can receive damage to its grid just by physical and also mental trauma. It's important to close these tears as to not "leak" energy, (she gave me a mental picture, "Houston we have a problem"), as your auric field is exposed and if you have any malfunctioning chakra's, you may be feeling like your car, when the alignment is off, and just fighting to stay on the road." So, why am I writing about this grid? Apparently, it's important enough that Cynthia informed me of this, because of the incoming energies that have been, and will be, bombarding earth's inhabitants. So, if there have been trauma's that have not been dealt with or corrected, now is the time to be mindful. Mercury retrograde is coming up, (March 5th), and this would be a perfect time to mend any long standing injuries. Past life issues may be part of the grid work, or present life. If you aren't aware, then go to someone who can help uncover harmful effects and repair your grid. We need all the help we can get, and it's time, anyway, to release and fortify! A few days ago, I received an email from a new student who signed up for my class on Udemy, Introduction to Psychic Communications with your E.T. Guides. He lives in Europe and was so excited to find this class because he had contact for a while, but didn't know how to communicate with the Beings.
He told me of a visitation he had and described the Being as having blonde hair, and wearing a blue, one-piece outfit. He asked me if I knew of who this Being was. I immediately recognized this Being, because of a sculpture I had seen that Cynthia had made. As you can tell, I have been lapsed in writing this blog, so I got the message that Cynthia wanted to connect with me. It is not Cynthia who created this gap, but me; life got in the way. But, the intermission is over, and I touched base with her where she reminded me of the content in the first blog - that everything is PERFECT! and on track with me as well as everyone else connected to me and my connection to them regarding the Beings. "There are no mistakes. Even though it seems as if there is no movement, YOU are not standing still. The people who need you, (and you need them), are finding you and their missions are to branch out to discover, recognize, and act upon the downloaded information they have stored. 2019 is just the beginning of the accelerated manifestations. Your realities, (as well as mine when I was living), had been distorted. Now, these misrepresentations are departing with the first group of starseeds who are being activated at this time to remember who they are and what they are to accomplish. I am so thrilled to be a part of this! For as you remember, the starseeds were my focus to help them to understand and come into their own. My part will be through many activities because, now, I have been made, like you, to be the liaison and ambassador of the Beings. I have a part in this wonderful journey as well as you, and anyone who is reading this. Life as you know it will begin to change. More ship sightings, physical encounters with the Beings, and what you would term, "miracles", in physical health and healing, will begin. And there are MANY people who are and will be involved. I send much love to all who are touched with this message." ![]() After my last post, a reader asked this very good question. So, I'm bringing this to Cynthia. "Thank you so much for this wonderful question! Many years ago, before my car accident, I was receiving all kinds of information from my star family. This would come through my thoughts when I asked a question or even when I didn't. This form of communication helped me in many ways: I knew the answers to my questions; By communicating with my brothers and sisters in space, I was brought into a deeper format of thinking; My life became richer with each communication, and I could share these understandings, information, adventures, with those who needed to parlay this knowledge, counsel, and enlightment within their beliefs. New forms of thought and expanded thinking occurs with channeled messages. There are many types of channeled information brought forth by angels, spirit guides, passed loved ones, and the beings. Each of these entities offers their unique type of message. The angels bring content of love, compassion, nurturing, and protection. The spirit guides lead and guide us in matters of life. Loved ones come through to give hope of the after-life, and that we are, indeed, eternal. My beings relate to anything from the current affairs of disclosure, sighting them and their ships, helping mankind know that there are other beings in this great universe, and helping with one's own coming to terms with their own involvement, whether passive or aggressive, by allowing this reality of these different presence's among us. We are communicating with a consciousness that is not always human. You are getting another opinion, advise, and information. I look forward to hearing from you!" "I'm looking at the population that is embracing their extraterrestrial heritage," Cynthia begins. She speaks in a matter-of-fact way, to where I know she means business.
I am drawn to those who have a new feeling, or an old thought that has followed them around in the back of their mind, and both are screaming to investigate because nothing is relieving that nudge. When I was on the earth plane, I talked to thousands who needed the companionship of a like-minded human, who didn't think their questions or experiences were odd, but rather, a beautiful confirmation to me that these starseeds, these souls who are waking up to their identity, was taking a rapid step up in their consciousness. This surge of collective unconsciousness is again picking up steam. I feel the hope. I observe the hope. I am in awe of humanity's willingness to open the channels to their cosmic journey. When you look, you will find. Life is a continuation and is new everyday. You, who are seeking, are in the midst of something that can change your life now! I am continuing to grow, too. As I have now been promoted and I am in a new situation to send more information to those who want to know. I'm an, "Information Specialist", and I will be delighted to serve you by providing updated information as well as answer your questions. If there are no questions, then I will still impart my knowledge, for there are those who, even if they don't realize, need to hear and continue to hold dear the reality of you and the Beings. " I have been feeling a slight nudge from Cynthia to write. I acknowledged what she was asking, but life, and the supposed "time" that I ran out of, seemed to get in the way . . . until today.
Cynthia reminded me of a photo that was taken of us when we attended the UFO Congress in 2013. I had no idea where I would find this image because it was taken with a cell phone I had replaced many, many, times since the conference. I began looking through the countless pictures that I had transferred from my old phones to my computer. Frustrated, I asked Cynthia to help me locate. She reminded me that this was a post I had made on my Facebook page: Sure enough, there it was! I asked Cynthia what was it she wanted to convey. She told me the subject with one word: Love. "It is true, my dear, dear, people, that love never dies, love is what the whole substance of creation is held together with. Even here, on my ship, the main cord that connects us is love. Love for ourselves, for our fellow workers, and for humanity. I didn't come here for selfish reasons. I knew I was to help humanity and that was my goal on earth, but now, I can help even more! This fills my being with joy, expansion, and this is the most beautiful condition that anyone could be a part of. Even on earth, you have your friends, and family, that you extend a cord of light from the heart. But is that the easiest or most optimizing way to help yourself? I was often accused of being naïve, of loving everybody who came into my path. Some of those people took advantage, but most didn't. I never regretted showing and sending out the love to those who were confused about their experiences, or scared, or even excited. They were all the same to me because I knew when I sent out love, I received the same back. Love is accepting of the different ideas, people, and perspectives. When I arrived on the ship, I was taken into a briefing room. The briefing was about why I was there, how I could help, and how I can continue with my mission. I am so happy and thrilled to be able to spread this light and love through words, too. I am helping in both places and only exist on this ship to help with the mission. I'm not going to go to any other place as I have designated my being to give back to humanity as humanity gave to me. Follow the path of least resistance, hold fast and true to the feelings that are in your heart and not in your head. You will be discerning and connect with those who you need to connect with here on earth and with those who are in the cosmos. I invite you to send that wonderful feeling of love and light to each other and to all of us who are working tirelessly for mankind. I love you!" |
AuthorCassandra Vanzant - Psychic E.T.Communicator/artist/author/speaker. Archives
August 2019
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